Authorization Procedure and Application Packet
In This Section
Authorization Procedure
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- Student consults OISS for eligibility regarding F-1 status;
- Student consults Academic Department for academic eligibility before obtaining job offer;
- Student obtains official job offer letter stating employer contact information, responsibility, pay rate, beginning and ending dates (must be in future) and working hours per week;
- Student gets CPT Employer Agreement completed and signed by employer;
- Student submits completed CPT Application Form, Employer Agreement and job offer letter to Academic Dean/Chair/ Graduate Program Director/Undergraduate Academic Advisor for evaluation and approval;
- Student is registered in a corresponding course for the practical training that will appear on the transcript; for summer registration, student should attach proof of tuition payment to avoid automatic deregistration due to non-payment.
- AFTER registration, student submits approved CPT Application, Employer Agreement , Job Offer Letter and summer tuition payment receipt to OISS;
- OISS processes CPT authorization on SEVIS and issues new I-20 that bears CPT dates, employer info and statement of CPT as an integral part of the curriculum;
- Student may ONLY start working AFTER new I-20 is issued.
- Student receives grade/credit for CPT on transcript to be granted by Academic Department.
Complete CPT Application Packet
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- CPT Application Checklist
- CPT Application Form
- Employer Agreement
- Job Offer Letter
- Summer class tuition payment proof if charged