Grading Policies

In This Section

Understand our policies for incomplete grades, repeating a course, or grade forgiveness.

Receiving an Incomplete (‘IN’)

If you have completed 75 percent of the coursework and have earned a passing grade up to the point of absence, you will have two semesters to complete missed work. Keep in mind that your absence must be due to an extenuating circumstance discussed with the instructor before the end of the semester. An incomplete grade becomes a permanent F at the end of two semesters, and you must repeat a course once a permanent grade of F is issued.

Repeating a Course

If you earn a grade of D or F in up to four courses taken at Rutgers University–Newark or New Jersey Institute of Technology, you must repeat the course at the institution where the failing grade was received. Then you can have the lower of the two grades eliminated from your cumulative grade point average, with the following limitations:

  1. The original D or F remains on the transcript.
  2. The repeated course must carry the same subject number and course title, or the equivalent as approved by your general academic advisor, or, if the course is in your major program of study, the major advisor.
  3. If the course is repeated more than once, the repeat option cancels only one grade (the lowest); all other grades are included in the computation of the cumulative grade point average.
  4. Degree credit is awarded only once, no matter how many times you repeat the course.
  5. This grade replacement policy may be applied to a maximum of four courses. You may repeat additional courses, but the original D or F for every course exceeding the four-course limit remains in the computation of your cumulative grade point average.

Grade Forgiveness Policy

Please refer to the most up-to-date Grade Forgiveness Policy within the academic catalog.

If you have questions about our Grade Forgiveness Policy or need additional detail, contact your academic advisor.

Still have questions about Grading Policies?

What will happen if I don't resolve my incomplete grade?
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An incomplete grade for undergraduate students will become an F.

Note: A graduate incomplete grade does not become an F.

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Blumenthal Hall309
249 University AvenueNewarkNJ07102

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