Undocumented Student Resources

In This Section

National Immigration Law Center (NILC)

Update on Access to Health Care Immigrants and Their Families

  • The Families First Act that Congress recently made available provides funding to pay for coronavirus testing for anyone who is uninsured. The funding will pay for testing at community health centers, outpatient clinics, and doctors' offices/
  • Immigrants can continue to access services at community health centers, regardless of their immigration status, and at a reduced cost or free of charge depending on their income. However, people should call first to find out the availability of COVID-19 screening and testing. Health centers may do patient assessments over the phone or using telehealth.
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently posted an alert clarifying that it will not consider testing, treatment, or preventative care (including vaccines if a vaccine becomes available) related to COVID-19 in a public charge inadmissibility determination.

Combating misinformation regarding COVID-19, linked here is the CDC guide in Spanish.

Accessing Federally Qualified Health Centers in New Jersey

  • The New Jersey Primary Care Association has developed a list of all health centers in NJ by county, you can find that resource here
  • You can also use the following link to search for Federally Qualified Health Centers nearest to you by county or city. FQHCs are required to offer a sliding fee scale based on income however, they must still provide services regardless of the ability to pay: https://healthapps.state.nj.us/fhs/cphc/cphcSearch.aspx

Undocumented people can receive emergency shelter/rental assistance using CARES Act and 2020 CDBG funds

The table below contains four resources that can be helpful to those interested in such advocacy

Terms to know:
  • "CARES Act" --> The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act 
  • "CDBG" --> Community Development Block Grant 
  • "HUD" --> U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 
Resource Description
Link to HUD grants, including CDBG and others (regular and COVID crisis/CARES Act)

This link from HUD gives lists of all current grants, such as CDBG, including both the “regular” grants (first link in the middle of the page) and the emergency CARES Act grants (second link). The lists are arranged alphabetically by state, and show the individual grants for all participating jurisdictions, i.e. cities, counties and the state itself.

CARES Act Flexibilities for CDBG Funds Used to Support Coronavirus Response This attachment is the HUD communication essentially announcing that all the 2020 CDBG funds a jurisdiction has - regular and CARES - can be used for crisis related "public services." 
Chapter 7: Public Services "Chapter 7" attachment describes the various types of "public services" for which CDBG funds can be used. 

HUD CDBG regulations authorizing use of CDBG funds for emergency shelter/housing and related payments

This attachment provides the relevant citations to HUD CDBG regulations and guidance materials which authorize use of CDBG funds for emergency shelter/housing, food and other payments, as long as they cover a period of 3 months or less and are paid directly to the provider.

Mental Health for the Undocumented Community

  • Informed immigrant has partnered with Latinx Therapy to bring resources and best practices regarding mental wellness and self-care during these uncertain times. Informed Immigrant also offers Know Your Rights and DACA Renewal information. To stay updated visit the link here.

PSE&G/ Utilities

  • PSE&G has suspended shut-offs of electric and/or gas service to residential customers for non-payment.
  • Updates from PSE&G

Immigration Appointments

  • All USCIS field offices, asylum offices and Application Support Centers (ASCs) will not provide in-person services until at least April 1. This includes interviews, naturalization ceremonies and biometric collection appointments. However, we will continue to provide emergency services during this time. If you have an emergency service request, please contact the USCIS Contact Center. USCIS field offices will send de-scheduling notices to applicants and petitioners with scheduled appointments impacted by this closure. We will send de-scheduling notices to naturalization applicants scheduled for naturalization ceremonies. All applicants will be rescheduled when USCIS resumes normal operations.  https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/uscis-response-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19

New Jersey COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Recursos de Nueva Jersey