Message from RU-N Provost Ashwani Monga
Monday, January 4, 2021
Deadline to Submit Winter 2021 P/NC Form: January 27, 2021 at 11:59pm (EST)
Dear RU-N Students:
Happy New Year. We are writing to let you know that Rutgers University-Newark students can choose a Pass/No-credit (P/NC) grade on your transcript instead of receiving a letter grade (A-F) for any RU-N courses for Winter 2021 courses.
In order to help students maintain financial aid and academic progress without disruption, it is essential that students consult with your academic advisor and the Office of Financial Aid-Newark as you consider this option. Also, a Pass/No-Credit (P/NC) grade may impact how your transcript is viewed by employers and other universities (e.g., if you apply for graduate school. Furthermore, should you choose a Pass/No-Credit option, a note will appear on your transcript to indicate the circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak. You can make an appointment with your academic advisor through the RUN4Success platform.
Keep in mind that you do not need to discuss this issue of converting grades with your instructor. The instructor will assign A-F grades as outlined on the syllabus for the course. If you do make the request for conversion, the Registrar’s office will implement the request. If it is a course grade of C or better you will receive a Pass (P) grade. If the course grade is C-, D or F, you will receive a No-Credit (NC) grade.
To access the Pass/No Credit (P/NC) widget, log into myRutgers portal and click on the “dashboard” tab. On the “dashboard” tab, click on the link to access the P/NC widget. The P/NC widget will be available for students enrolled in Winter beginning January 15, 2021 and ending on January 27, 2021 at 11:59pm (EST).
Thanks again to you, our dear students, and our wonderful faculty and staff, as we together continue to pursue our academic mission during these difficult times.
Ashwani Monga
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Rutgers University-Newark
Professor of Marketing
P/NC Resources
P/NC as defined by Registrar's Office (click here + scroll to bottom of page)
Speak with your Academic Advisor