FAQs - Fall 2020

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In anticipation of questions for Fall 2020, Rutgers University and Rutgers University-Newark are in the process of creating FAQs for students, faculty and staff 

Rutgers University FAQs for Fall 2020

2020-2021 Tution and Fees

Will the university offer discounts on tuition and fees because of remote instruction?
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The Rutgers Board of Governors took the unprecedented step of freezing tuition and fees for Academic Year 2020-21. This action was taken in recognition of the economic stresses that confront every member of our community and despite cost increases in virtually every area of Rutgers operations. 

We know it seems sensible that if students are not physically on campus, fees paid to support campus services and infrastructure such as information technology, libraries, tutoring, and health services would seem to not be needed. In reality, the need for such resources remains even as the university operates largely in remote mode, as staff continue to make services available. In fact, the effort to do so actually tends to increase at a time like this, in some cases substantially, as with information technology. This is why during Spring 2020 Rutgers was able to offer prorated refunds on some fees such as housing, dining, and parking, but was unable do that with other fees. Likewise, because course instruction has continued and will proceed, meeting accreditation guidelines, tuition billing remains in place. Indeed, faculty instructional efforts have redoubled as they work diligently to address the range of technological capacities of their students in each course. 

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