Office Contacts

In This Section

Office  Phone Email
The Academic Foundations Center (Academic Partnerships | Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program | Garden State – Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (GS-LSAMP) | McNair Scholars Program | Newark College Institute (NCI) | Student Support Services (SSS) Program), AFC has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-3574
Blumenthal Hall 3rd floor (Financial Aid | Registrar | Student Accounting | Cashiers' Windows*  | RU ID Card Service Center) All questions and concerns should be forwarded to their listed email address --> Instagram @myrun_onestop 973-353-1766 ext 1
Career Resouorces & Exploration, CDC has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5311
Center for Pre-College Programs (Abbott Leadership Institute | Rutgers Future Scholars | Talent Search | UAP | Upward Bound), CPP has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-3557
Counseling Center will be open M-F 8:30am-4:30 pm, with late appointments available daily by appointment.  In order to ensure the safety of our community, all services will be offered via telephone or video conferencing. To schedule an appointment to speak to a clinician, please contact via listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5805
Graduate School-Newark, GSN has advised that all questions and concerns should be forwarded to their listed email address -->  Please email
Health Promotion Division, HPD has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address. You can also check out their page and follow them on Instagram @hpd4run 973-353-1256
Honors College has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5860
Honors Living Learning Community, HLLC has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-1333
Intercultural Resource Center (LGBTQ+ | Undocumented Student Services) has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-2796
Law School Student Affairs has advised that all questions and concerns should be forwarded to either of their listed email addresses -->  Please email
Office of Academic Advising (UG | MPA), SPAA has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-3709
Office of Academic Programs, SCJ has advised that all questions and concerns should be forwarded to their listed email address -->  Please email
Office of Academic Services, SASN has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5800
Office of the Dean of Students has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5063
Office of Disability Services, ODS has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5375
Office of Housing & Residence Life has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-1037
Office of International Student Services, OISS has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-1427
Office of MBA Services, RBS-Newark and New Brunswick has advised that all questions and concerns be directed to their usual specialty program contact -->  See next column > Click here for program details
Office of Reservations & Special Events has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5568
Office of Student Life and Leadership has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5300
Office of Summer/Winter Session has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address --> You can also check out their page and follow them on Instagram @ru_summer_winter 973-353-5112
Office of Undergraduate Academic Programs and Services, RBS-Newark has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  See next column > Click here for program details
Office of Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-5205
Office of Veteran Affairs has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address --> Students can also make an appointment to speak to the VA office 973-353-5515
pantryRUN Pantry+ Our food pantry provides free, healthy groceries to any student or staff who is having difficulty affording or accessing enough nutritious food. We're here to support your goal of graduating from Rutgers. PRCC Room 226.  If you are feeling sick, please do not come to the pantry, contact us instead by email -->  973-353-0256
Rutgers Learning Center has advised that all questions and concerns should be forwarded to their listed email address -->  973-353-3494
Student Health Services - will be open M-F 8:30am-4:30 pm with limited staff.  To schedule a phone consult with a clinician, please call 973-353-5232. Please note the Pharmacy will be closed until further notice. To maintain a healthy and safe community, we are not accepting walk-in appointments at this time.  Our nurse hotline is available afterhours from 430pm-830am at 866.221.9674.  ​To schedule an appointment to speak to a clinician, please contact via listed phone number or email address --> 973-353-5232
Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance has advised that all questions and concerns should be directed to their listed phone number or email address -->  973-353-1918 | 201-259-3560 
Writing Center will be offering virtual "face to face" tutoring during our regularly scheduled hours. Students who already have appointments will remain on the schedule and will be sent instructions for logging in to their remote sessions. Students wishing to make or change an appointment should call Emilie Collins at 973-353-5847 between 9:00am and 5:00pm. Students with any questions or concerns should call Marne Benson at 973-353-5849 or email 973-353-5894

If you have any questions, please either call us at 973-353-1766 ext.1 or email

Key Contacts

One Stop

(973) 353-1766 ext. 1
Blumenthal Hall3rd Floor
249 University Avenue Newark NJ07102

CLICK HERE for One Stop Office Hours!

One Stop Offices of Financial Aid, Registrar, Student Accounting, Payment Center, & ID Services

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